COVID-19 update | 26 February 2021

Aberlea Coronavirus

26 February 2021

Dear Aberlea community,

I write today to provide an important update regarding Aberlea visitation.

Based on the information we have received today; we are pleased to report that from Saturday 27 February 2021, we are able to return to our COVID-Safe visitation restrictions.  This means that residents may receive two visitors at a time.  There are no restrictions on the number of visitations that may occur in a day.

Visitors are to remain in residents’ rooms, or in outside areas.  As per government directions, visitors are not permitted to spend time in communal areas.

Aberlea visiting hours remain at 10am–12 noon, and 1pm-4pm daily; we thank you for your co-operation.  If you would like to request a visit outside these times, please call us to discuss.

Social distancing requirements, visitor screening and the mandatory wearing of face masks remain in place.

Kind Regards,

Phil Irvine
Director of Care


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